You begin by selecting a niche to explore which is the equivalent of choosing a river to prospect. You then generate a large number of keywords relating to your niche which is like scooping up a collection of rocks, dirt and sand. Then you can use a tool such as Market Samurai to filter out the good keywords from the bad. At the end of this process you will hopefully be left with a few ‘golden ’ keywords.The four golden rules are (1)Relevance(2)Traffic(3)Competition(4) Commerciality A golden keyword is highly relevant to the content on your website, it has a good level of traffic, it has acceptable levels of competition and has a high level of commerciality. Relevance is something that many people often overlook The fact of the matter is that if you target irrelevant words, you may obtain a top ranking in Google and you may even generate a lot of hits to your website.However, if the content of your website is not relevant to the words you’ve targeted the people who visit your site will probably not be interested in what they find. ###(1) LET ME KNOW YOUR NICHE ###(2) I WILL GIVE YOU FULL DETAILED REPORT ON A)TOTAL SEARCHES,TRAFFIC,PHRASE-TO BROAD,TRENDS, ADWORDS TRAFFIC,ADWORDs
Keyword Research
Oleh Unknown
You begin by selecting a niche to explore which is the equivalent of choosing a river to prospect. You then generate a large number of keywords relating to your niche which is like scooping up a collection of rocks, dirt and sand. Then you can use a tool such as Market Samurai to filter out the good keywords from the bad. At the end of this process you will hopefully be left with a few ‘golden ’ keywords.The four golden rules are (1)Relevance(2)Traffic(3)Competition(4) Commerciality A golden keyword is highly relevant to the content on your website, it has a good level of traffic, it has acceptable levels of competition and has a high level of commerciality. Relevance is something that many people often overlook The fact of the matter is that if you target irrelevant words, you may obtain a top ranking in Google and you may even generate a lot of hits to your website.However, if the content of your website is not relevant to the words you’ve targeted the people who visit your site will probably not be interested in what they find. ###(1) LET ME KNOW YOUR NICHE ###(2) I WILL GIVE YOU FULL DETAILED REPORT ON A)TOTAL SEARCHES,TRAFFIC,PHRASE-TO BROAD,TRENDS, ADWORDS TRAFFIC,ADWORDs
Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ DosoGames

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