So you want to know about keyword research, but you don't know here to start?
We have all been there! Choosing the most apt keywords your target group requires will dramatically improve its ranking in search engines. And this means more traffic! And more sales!
Keywords are nothing but words and / or phrases that people may use to locate your services, products, information or brands from search engines like Google. Here are three amazing secrets about keyword research for the beginner...
1: Keyword Identification: The first thing to do with keyword research is to first identify the keywords.
Sounds ridiculously simple, but it is important!
You look for related keywords, identify the industry and then focus into the specific field.For example, if you own this pet shop, you should take up keywords like: "cat food"
and "dog food".
2: Locate Your Keywords: The second secret in keyword research is in finding keywords that people use and then organizing them by their popularity.You can use the Aleksika keyword search box to know more about the search behavior of your target audience.Learn about what they call things, how precise their search is amongst other things. This information is very useful when you are looking for the right keywords.
3: Choose Keywords: Choosing the right keywords involves organizing them into a spreadsheet and examining all individual words and phrases that might apply to your website.
Choose keywords that can be out together to make a long-tailed keyword. This is more effective in capturing people when they are searching for services.
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» Keyword Research - 3 Amazing Secrets For the Beginner
Keyword Research - 3 Amazing Secrets For the Beginner
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