Your SEO services company will engage one or more of the following tools to carry out their SEO keyword research. Find out the merits of each one of them.
One of the integral parts of any SEO strategy is keywords. In order for anyone to find your website they will have to key in related words that will bring them there. There are several keyword tools used by any reputable SEO services company. Here is a quick look at them:
The google keyword tool is definitely one of those that are used most often. It is easy to use and makes the process of searching for keywords quite simple. All you have to do is enter the phrase, website or word into the search and out comes a list of similar suggestions to assist you. In addition you will find the data on how often that word has been searched for. You can even narrow down your search to a particular country or region.
Another keyword tool used by the best SEO services is wordtracker. Unlike the google keyword tool this is a paid service but it will give you a variety of features to work with. It will enable you to optimize your site very well especially if you are trying to carry out a marketing campaign or pay per click program.
You may also want to consider ubersuggest. This tool is loved because it can pull the keywords from search engines and also from ecommerce sites, news sites and video sites. It is a great tool that any SEO services Company will do well to engage.
Then there is keyword discovery which does a good job of finding data from the major search engines worldwide and will therefore help you to find the best keywords available out there. In addition, it gives you the effectiveness of the keywords as well as their historical trends. When it comes to pay per click, it give you even the bid values so that you are able to make a decision that is informed for maximum benefit. There is great value in this tool even if it is not a free tool.
Bing also has a keyword research tool that can add much value to you. This is a great tool if you are looking for organic search keywords. The suggestions that come up come with suggestions based on the region, country and even language they are used. This will help you to find the keywords used in your region or at least region of interest.
Google adwords is a gem used by the best SEO services the world over. Even though it was created for adwords campaigns it has been used as a tool for keyword suggestion as well. There is a free version where you can simply enter a website URL, term or phrase in the search and get a whole list of the various suggestions available. You will also get the traffic data for the same and where the searches originated from. If you want more detailed information you will have to go with the paid version of google adwords.
รข€¢ SEOBook also provides a tool that you can use. This tool will spit out a list of phrases and keywords that you can use. Basically, you will put in a word or phrase in the search and out comes the keywords suggestions. It is a free tool however you will need to sign up with SEOBook and will be required to use firefox to get in.
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Keyword Research Tools For the Best SEO Services - Internet
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