Firstly you need to think about your site and its content. Then think some keywords (minimum more than 100 keywords) that matching your site and its content. Note-down all keywords in a page. Consider both single word and phrase for your keyword list (phrase is better than single word). After completing your keyword list keep it in any place from out of your eyes. After 2 or 3 days when you totally forget your keywords of that list then take the list to see it again. Now it is a fresh list of lots of keywords. Check the list carefully and mark the keyword which is suitable or express your site and its content clearly and rightly. Remove the unnecessary keywords from the list. After doing this you will get your targeted keywords for your site. Now it is your magic number for getting targeted traffic in your site. Firstly choose 20 keywords from the list which express your site accurately. Keep three(3) keywords in a single page in your article. It may be two single words and a phrase for getting good result. Now wait two or three weeks for indexing your contents. Search your keywords separately in search engines. Check the first and second page result that your site’s link is present or not. If you find then it is done but if you do not find-out your site’s link then compare the search result-site’s content with your site’s content. Try to find-out difference (URL structure, article size, written style etc) and reasons that why does the keyword not working? After doing this you will get a proper idea. Then update your content and recheck again. You need to continue this keyword research for better result.
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